We offer 1 or 3 year contracts so you can lock in your price and know how much you will be paying each month
Unlike other ISPs, we offer price plans which DO NOT have an annual price increase linked to inflation
Full Home Fibre
from €30
Up to 1000 Mbps fibre to the home in over 1,000,000 rural and urban Eircodes nationwide
Speed up to 500 Mbps or 1000 Mbps
Prices starting at €30.00 per month for new customers that have not had fibre installed yet
Free installation - saving you €123
Pay As You Go VOIP (internet based) landline telephone service - saving you over €20 in line rental charges per month
Free static IP address - saving you €10 per month
Free router *
Net1 TV service available **
NBI (Rural) Fibre (on National Broadband Plan)
from €30
Up to 1000 Mbps fibre to the home in over 500,000 Eircodes in rural areas nationwide
Speed up to 500 Mbps or 1000 Mbps
Prices starting at €30 per month for new customers that have not had fibre installed yet
Free installation - saving you €123
Pay As You Go VOIP (internet based) landline telephone service - saving you over €20 in line rental charges per month
Free static IP address - saving you €10 per month
Free router *
Net1 TV service available **
Cabinet Fibre (Legacy)
Up to 100 Mbps fibre to the cabinet in towns and villages
Speed up to 100 Mbps
Prices starting at €42.50 per month (in certain locations) or €45 per month (in all other locations)
Free installation - saving you €123
Pay As You Go VOIP (internet based) landline telephone service - saving you over €20 in line rental charges per month
Free static IP address - saving you €10 per month
Free router *
Net1 TV service available **
* Hardware remains the property of Net1
** Additional equipment may be required
Out of contract price for 500 Mbps service is €65 per month and for 1000 Mbps service is €75 per month. See below for full Fibre Terms and Conditions.